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Rye Berries | 5 Pounds | High in Fiber and Iron – 5 Pound Bag of Rye Berries


Brand CZ Grain
Item Weight 5 Pounds
Package Information Bag

  • Vegan; Vegetarian; 100% Whole Grain; High in Fiber; Kosher Par eve
  • 5 Lbs. of Fresh Rye Berries, Full of Protein and Iron, High in Fiber, a Very Healthy Choice
  • Good source of dietary fiber and iron
  • 6g protein per serving


You get 5 Pounds of Healthy Rye Berries. Healthy alternate to Wheat Berries, Rice and are a great addition to any Kitchen. These fresh Berries can also be sprouted and Rye is very good for the soil and animals absolutely love it. High in Fiber it is a great choice and is Vegan; Vegetarian; 100% Whole Grain; High in Fiber; Kosher Par eve. Use in any recipe calling for whole grains, such as pilafs, risottos, casseroles, salads, soups, and stews, or grind in your home flour mill.

Additional information

Weight 5 kg
Item Weight

5 pounds




CZ Grain