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Angled Luffa Séẹds/Angled Gourd/Tori/Turai/Ridge Gourd/Chinese Okra Séẹds Loofah – 5 Séẹds


Brand Generic
Expected Blooming Period Summer, Spring
Expected Planting Period Spring

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Start indoors in flats 6-8 weeks before last frost date. Transplant outside after danger of frost has passed. Or Sow seeds in spring/early summer after last frost in a warm, sunny location. Requires a long, warm growing season. Prepare fertile, well drained soil. Train to climb a vertical support for better air circulation, straighter fruit and ease of harvest. To process for luffa sponges, allow gourds to hang on the vine until they are fully mature and the skin hardens/dries. Remove skin and seeds.

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